Merry Heart Assisted Living
Roxbury, New Jersey
A new 96 unit assisted living facility on 6 acres located n Roxbury, NJ. A two story complex comprised of eight independent ‘quads’ or small group clusters of 12 dwelling units in each. Each cluster contains its own living room, dining with open kitchen, a den with fireplace, a laundry room and a nurses office. The smaller group of spaces is designed to provide a small scale feel and home- like character to each residential quad.
The clusters form courtyards and semi- proivate terraces maximizing tranquility and natural light into both the quads and each dwelling unit. Second floor clusters have screened in patios overlooking the courtyards.
· 96 bed assisted living development
· 75,500 total SF
· 6 acres development with open areas, retention ponds, landscape, and parking